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Toesox Footwear Collection

The Toesox story unfolded over 10 years ago in a yoga class. They saw slipping feet that needed to grip, clean soles that needed germ protection, and cold toes that needed shelter. The idea was born. From Los Angeles, they created the original five-toe grip socks to help people during barefoot fitness classes like yoga, Pilates, barre and dance.

Why five toes? There’s nothing more beautiful than natural movements that make us stronger. Legs that leap, arms that swing, backs that bend. So why not toes that wiggle and spread? It’s the way nature designed them to move. A five toe sock design helps spread your five toes - reinforcing what yogis have known for years - that spreading your toes creates a broader foundation on which to balance.

To this day, Toesox's rintention is to create and innovate products that enhance and support natural movement regardless of the activity. Whether holding plank a little longer, staying grounded in Relevé, settling deeper into Warrior II, or dancing for hours blister free, we’ve got you covered.

With one of the widest collections of ToeSox available at Planet Dance, here’s to spreading the love of our toes!